Ctra. Valencia, 60 bajo. Motilla del Palancar (Cuenca) - España
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La Cueva de

Portada > "La Cueva de Guijarro"

"La Cueva de Guijarro" is a family business, especially dedicated to healing, marketing and direct sale of its cheese "Quesos Guijarro" the artisan cheese from Manchega sheep cured in cave par excellence.

In 1980, based on the idea of exposing and offer our wealth of regional products, to the visitors or travelers who used the N-III highway passing through Motilla del Palancar, it was born "La Cueva de Guijarro" a manchega , spacious and cozy store , and where its owner José López Guijarro is offering a direct and friendly service from the first day and with the same aim "offer the best of the region."

With the construction of the highway, we had some down years, but we were recovering; supported by our quality and improving ourselves offering a better serve to our customers (with an almost full schedule, opening every day, including Saturdays and Sundays, and not closing at midday) we expand our facilities and our product range, reaching to be the first specialty store of Castilla la Mancha.

We have completed our range of craft products with fresh and cured sausages from the area, hams and loins slaughter, oils, preserves, honey, sweets and other local products, marketed under the best quality seal (our brand) "La Cueva de Guijarro" " THE BEST OF CASTILLA LA MANCHA ".

Our situation remains privileged since we are at a crossroads and just 5 minutes from the main exit of the A-3 to be a "tasty" and relaxing stop facilitating the trip. On this website we will provide the links that can access our situation and our online store from your mobile and / or tablet easily and conveniently.

Our typical  and Manchega store is located in Motilla del Palancar (Cuenca) in the old N-III with easy access from the A-3 Madrid - Valencia, main exit Motilla del Palancar.



Ctra. Valencia, 60 bajo. Motilla del Palancar (Cuenca) - España

969 331 987 / 646 475 640

Junta Comunidades Castilla- La Mancha

Project co-financed by the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha

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Copyright © 2025. Quesos Guijarro.
Design and Development web Im3diA comunicación

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